Love this perspective, Dana. I've always felt my own sense of "queerness" that might come from a bicultural and neurodivergent perspective, not necessarily my orientation. However, that's probably a factor as I've never truly defined myself in heteronormative ways. The fluidity and flexibility of our perspectives may allow a wider viewpoint and that's such a gift. In terms of my money beliefs, I've been able to question the idea that "we should never take money out of retirement" until our 60's and beyond. Also, as a married, cis-white-presenting woman who's childfree by choice, I didn't have the same constraints as more traditional families.

I had some incredible privilege during my years as an operational manager for a large medical device manufacturer, and put away a good chunk of money during the time. Perhaps some intuitive sense told me I'd better sock away some funds. In any case, I don't think our retirements will look like our parents' did. So I'm able to think very differently about how to direct my resources. It's also hard for me to stomach the thought of going back to a full-time traditional job. So I'm riding this self-employment train as long as I possibly can!

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Thank you, Cristy, for this thoughtful reflection! I love your claiming of "queerness" for the breadth of your identity — it's such a wonderful word that I think so many people can identify with!

I've taken money out of my retirement account and am in a position no financial expert would advise. And I'm so happy! I agree; I don't expect my retirement to look like my parents', so I'm not succumbing to the financial advice that worked for them.

You will absolutely make this self-employment thing work for as long as you need; it sounds like you must, so I'm sure you'll find a way 💖

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