The two things people think they have a say in for whatever reason; how other people spend their money and commenting about other people’s bodies. Somehow both of these things come up in some form over the holidays and it’s mentally exhausting. Thanks for sharing these tips.

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It's so true! We've got to change this expectation..

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These are all excellent! I especially appreciate the reminder that to set an effective boundary, we actually have to say it out loud. Direct communication about tough subjects can be uncomfortable, but it's *really* important.

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Totally agree with this. No one should be shamed for spending their money the way they want to, especially by people they’re closest to.

And don’t feel bad for going over budget (if you’re not taking a budget-free approach). Life is too short to care about what others think about you anyway.

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Thank you for offering these replies Dana, so useful!

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Love all these tips! I especially love the advice to let go because "Grandma's gonna Grandma." Sometimes there's nothing you can really do with family but just let it go. But the scripts you provide are also super helpful, and a good reminder for setting boundaries where you can to protect your own mental health.

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Such awesome tips, Dana! You’re my go-to for reframing how we think and talk about money. Definitely using these for upcoming holiday events.

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Thank you, Sri 💖 Please let me know how your events go!

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Great tips for managing expectations for relatives over the holidays. Thank you.

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Thank you! Lots of credit to anti-diet culture activists I've listened to over the years (and plenty of just existing with a family my whole life :)

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Love that you are listening to anti-diet culture activists! So important.

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