My favorite & trusted folks in the student loan space is Student Loan Planner. They also have a very good attitude in terms of no shaming, educating. Plus very knowledgeable about all crazy nuances of student debt.

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I hadn’t heard of them; I’ll check it out!

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Alas, I have not made us into donuts, just a typo. I have made us “do it” (budgeting)

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My relationship with money is F-ed. Though on the outside, I think I appear like I am relatively put-together- that is because I have worked really hard my whole adult life to cover up what I perceive to the shameful truth- that I don’t have a lot of money, nor do I really understand money, nor am I turned on by the idea of making my life about “making money.” I have tried budgeting a few times and it hasn’t stuck. It has felt punishing to me and to my husband. I have made us donut because I wanted to “be responsible.” The fact is I am/he is actually responsible- we got to work, we take care of our children, we pay our bills. But the fact is that we are not rich and somehow this does feel to me like a moral or intellectual failing. Surely if I were smarter I would’ve figured out how to be rich. Surely if I were better at XYZ I would’ve figured out how to be rich. I realize these statements make no sense but I’m just being honest about the mental tropes I am operating under, not-so-subconsciously. My big one is about (federal) student loan debt- my shorthand is that I own another house (that is how large the debt is, mostly from my masters degree). It has ruled my life for the last 11 years. Happy to have found your substack and wondering if there are other writers-thinkers-books-podcasts you recommend.

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Thank you for sharing this, Julie! This all completely makes sense. Your experience really is the condition of life under budget culture, and I'm grateful you're sharing your awareness of those mental tropes. They have a strong grip. I hope you find some relief in this community!

I recommend our post on dealing with student loan debt; maybe there are some insights in there that could help you out? https://www.healthyrich.co/p/dont-pay-student-loans

A few creators I like who are talking about money differently:

- Tori Dunlap - herfirst100K.com and her book and podcast, both called "Financial Feminist"

- Frugal Friends podcast

- Culture Study (she talks about everything in an eye-opening way, including, sometimes, money): https://annehelen.substack.com/p/wealth-is-the-missing-piece

- Rahkim Sabree at Overcoming Financial Trauma: rahkimsabree.substack.com

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